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IAMEdmItemsUICommands interface

Client-side functionality for changing the workflow state of a document.

Name Description

Add2Selection method

Reserved. See About reserved objects, methods, and properties .

Add2WorkList method

Reserved. See About reserved objects, methods, and properties .

ChangeWFState method

Changes the document workflow state

OnChangeWAState method

Reserved. See About reserved objects, methods, and properties .


The sample code below demonstrates how to use this object to change the workflow state of a document.

In contrast to the ChangeState method server method, this method will cause the events defined for workflow state changes to occur.

Related information

AMEdmItemsUI object


' This procedure can be used to change the workflow state of a document using 
' the built-in functionality of the EDMUI client library.
Public Sub InvokeChangeWFState( dsg As IAMUIExtensionDesigner, _
    ByVal CurrentObject As Object, _
     ByVal target As AMEDM.DWF_STATES, _
     ByVal hwnd As Long, _
     ByVal caption As String, _
     Optional ByVal comments As String = "", _
     Optional ByVal todoperson As String = "")
    On Error GoTo error_handler
    Dim ui As New AMEdmItemsUI
    Dim pers As IAMEdmItemsUIPersist
    Dim comm As IAMEdmItemsUICommands
    Set pers = ui
    pers.Init CurrentObject, 0, dsg.GetHostService(SERVICE_PROVIDER)
    Set comm = pers
    comm.ChangeWFState hwnd, caption, target, comments, todoperson
    Set comm = Nothing
    Set pers = Nothing
    Set ui = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub